(*super long post!*)
I am officially 18!! (:
You will not believe what happened to me last night. D:
Like I had no idea at all that my friends were so sneaky! :P Yeah for weeks I would hear or see Sasa and Waffle whispering among themselves and stuff.. And I figured they must be up to something but I had NO IDEA it was something so....... huge. :) hahahaa.
This was just so sweet of them. I mean okay, I admit, I was kinda depressed abit, At first. Away from home, etc etc. My mum and dad called last night and I cried! yes thats how manja I am. :p
And then Amy called when I was being depressed, with a crazy story about how Felicia fell down or some such crap, and asked me to go downstairs. I did, and waiting for me at my tangga, towel and all, were Sasa and Amy, who kidnapped me by wrapping the towel around my head. D:
Terrifying to walk and not see where you're going. But I made it without falling although I can feel various pokes and someone even hit me with Felicia's tongkat. D: ARGH.
And then there was the cake.

:') Touched leh.
And then there was the cream. All over my face and my hair. :(
And then the worst........... Suddenly. Out of nowhere..... Qiqi. Poured a whole bucketful of cold water on me, head to toe basah. D:
THAT was the thing that completely took me by surprise. :D
And I could hear everyone laughing at me, LOL. XD
And the thing is, there were a LOT of people there okay. Watching Qiqi attack me. It was actually damn funny la. Cos I scared people by running up to them and trying to cuddle them to make them wet toooo. :D
Tengok bah. Kesian my pink hoodie. :(
It was so sweet and I still can't believe so many people made an effort to like, turn up and make my 18th so memorable. :) I love you all!
Obviously I'm so blur and forgetful I bet I can't name every single person (I tried tagging everyone in my FB status, I tagged like 23 people only to find out the maximum I can tag is 6 like WTH. :P) So I'm gonna try now.
Shana, Amy, Sean. :) I love you three honestly. My Catholic girlfriends, Andreana, Christine, Cheylsea, Michelle, Jeannette.. The guys in my class, who gave me the nickname Rusty, ;) Joeffrey, Maegyver, Willy, Ricky, ahhh.... um... Edwin! Mark! :) My lovely Indian girlfriends, Charan, Reena, Agastii, Carol. And so many others I think, honestly I cannot remember! Oh yeah the awesome girls in my class as well.. Saiyidah, Ib, Hazlin, Nisa, Ezza. I love you guys so much and I'm so glad you guys turned up. :) My bestest guy friend who went through so much trouble to organise this for me, THANK YOU QIQI ILU. (:
And of course. Not forgetting my two AMAZING, GORGEOUS, LOVELY housemates. (:
SASA and WAFFLE, jaga la you two. I'm gonna take revengeeeeeeee! :D
Oh and, yeah..
After everything, Waffle passed me this. (:
I cried. Like OMG I CRIED. This is so sweeeeeet. (:
I love you. :)
Oh and before I forget. LOOOOOOOOOK!!!!!

I'll let you use your imagination and think for yourself what Sasa and Felicia were up to in this picture. *wink* Looks suggestive doesn't it. :D :D :D heheee.
Oh, yeah. And the best part is, they made me a video! (:
They stole my camera and posted some retarded pics of me at the end, but don't mind those. :) The video itself is so sweet it made me cry.. (:
Patience ah. It's like 12 minutes long so understandably, it will take forever to buffer before you can watch. If you haven't watched it yet last night. :P
But I won't post it right now, its taking too long to upload.. I'll post it LATER in a different, separate post. (:
This was truly memorable and again I say, I love you all. (:
xoxo rusty.