Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I ♥ you fishies x)

My newest toys. :D

Lemon, Waffle and the albino one in the back, I haven't thought of a name yet :D haha.

Haha just kidding la I don't think they should be called toys, its so not nice. :P Fine. My newest babies. :D

I love them! They're like so freaking adorable you know.. Okay fineeee I know how some people think fish are BORING and I suppose to an extent they kind of are, but still! I wanna keep pets except I can't keep dogs cos I live in an apartment don't I.. And I can't keep hamsters cos my housemates will kill me (and then kill the hamsters) so yeah. Fishes it is! ;D

And they're so easy to look after- just change the water like once in 2 days, feed em once a day and you're done! They're awesome stress relief, I've started talking to them already :D :D hehe.

I have 8 of them. EIGHT!! And they all have names. :P yeah I had fun naming them the cutesy-est, most inappropriate names for FISH. :P Lets see.. Waffle, Papaya, (those two were inspired by Felicia :D), Lemon (that one's for Sarah), Rusty (yeah after me DUHH), Dots, Peanut, and two more I haven't figured out what to call them yet, LOL.

I've decided that if I ever need to leave for the weekend (eg if I'm spending the weekend at Felicia's) then Qiqi shall babysit. :D hehe.

This is their tropical-rainforest-pink-sky-plus-coconut-tree-home. :D

xoxo rusty

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Rusty's 18th ;)

(*super long post!*)

I am officially 18!! (:

You will not believe what happened to me last night. D:

Like I had no idea at all that my friends were so sneaky! :P Yeah for weeks I would hear or see Sasa and Waffle whispering among themselves and stuff.. And I figured they must be up to something but I had NO IDEA it was something so....... huge. :) hahahaa.

This was just so sweet of them. I mean okay, I admit, I was kinda depressed abit, At first. Away from home, etc etc. My mum and dad called last night and I cried! yes thats how manja I am. :p

And then Amy called when I was being depressed, with a crazy story about how Felicia fell down or some such crap, and asked me to go downstairs. I did, and waiting for me at my tangga, towel and all, were Sasa and Amy, who kidnapped me by wrapping the towel around my head. D:

Terrifying to walk and not see where you're going. But I made it without falling although I can feel various pokes and someone even hit me with Felicia's tongkat. D: ARGH.

And then there was the cake.

:') Touched leh.

And then there was the cream. All over my face and my hair. :(

And then the worst........... Suddenly. Out of nowhere..... Qiqi. Poured a whole bucketful of cold water on me, head to toe basah. D:

THAT was the thing that completely took me by surprise. :D

And I could hear everyone laughing at me, LOL. XD

And the thing is, there were a LOT of people there okay. Watching Qiqi attack me. It was actually damn funny la. Cos I scared people by running up to them and trying to cuddle them to make them wet toooo. :D

Tengok bah. Kesian my pink hoodie. :(

It was so sweet and I still can't believe so many people made an effort to like, turn up and make my 18th so memorable. :) I love you all!

Obviously I'm so blur and forgetful I bet I can't name every single person (I tried tagging everyone in my FB status, I tagged like 23 people only to find out the maximum I can tag is 6 like WTH. :P) So I'm gonna try now.

Shana, Amy, Sean. :) I love you three honestly. My Catholic girlfriends, Andreana, Christine, Cheylsea, Michelle, Jeannette.. The guys in my class, who gave me the nickname Rusty, ;) Joeffrey, Maegyver, Willy, Ricky, ahhh.... um... Edwin! Mark! :) My lovely Indian girlfriends, Charan, Reena, Agastii, Carol. And so many others I think, honestly I cannot remember! Oh yeah the awesome girls in my class as well.. Saiyidah, Ib, Hazlin, Nisa, Ezza. I love you guys so much and I'm so glad you guys turned up. :) My bestest guy friend who went through so much trouble to organise this for me, THANK YOU QIQI ILU. (:

And of course. Not forgetting my two AMAZING, GORGEOUS, LOVELY housemates. (:

SASA and WAFFLE, jaga la you two. I'm gonna take revengeeeeeeee! :D

Someday. ;p

Oh and, yeah..

After everything, Waffle passed me this. (:

I cried. Like OMG I CRIED. This is so sweeeeeet. (:

I love you. :)

Oh and before I forget. LOOOOOOOOOK!!!!!

I'll let you use your imagination and think for yourself what Sasa and Felicia were up to in this picture. *wink* Looks suggestive doesn't it. :D :D :D heheee.

Oh, yeah. And the best part is, they made me a video! (:

They stole my camera and posted some retarded pics of me at the end, but don't mind those. :) The video itself is so sweet it made me cry.. (:

Patience ah. It's like 12 minutes long so understandably, it will take forever to buffer before you can watch. If you haven't watched it yet last night. :P

But I won't post it right now, its taking too long to upload.. I'll post it LATER in a different, separate post. (:

This was truly memorable and again I say, I love you all. (:

xoxo rusty.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Waffle downloaded the Glee soundtrack for me last night and although I've heard it before, I'm still totally in love with it! (:

Like OMG Lea Michele has the voice of an angel. :O Seriously! Listen to Defying Gravity, its amazing! And she made Rihanna's Take A Bow sound better. Actually everything she sings sounds gooooood. :)

Anyone who doesn't watch Glee.... you're missing out. XD hahaha.

Ohkays, off to study! :D

And plus, she's gorgeous! :)

xoxo rusty

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

So freaking restless, its like I can't sit stilllllllllll. :P

Mood swings at an all time high, and I don't even have my period.

I feel like......... sleeping. OMG I got the weirdest urge yesterday. It was NOT healthy. *SASA you know what I'm talking about XD* But I'm still thinking about it even today.. I just wanna try and see how it feels like thats all. :P ARGH someone control me.

You know that reckless, rebellious feeling you sometimes get? Yeah I've been feeling that a couple of days now, I think I'm going to give in and end up doing something.. well, reckless and rebellious.

Okay. Enough with the cryptic, double-meaning emo stuff.

I feel the urge to screeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam, loud and long.

xoxo rusty.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My KS360 XD

My newest toy. :D

I love it! <333

xoxo rusty ;)

Monday, March 22, 2010


Here are a few things that have annoyed me the past couple of days.


2. Exams are looming nearer and nearer.

3. I've heard too many opinions on what I should do, on what isn't good for me, why I should watch my back and BE CAREFUL. (I hate that phrase) BLAH BLAH BLAH. I'm on the verge of throwing a tantrum.

4. The worst part is, I partly agree and I KINDA think there's some truth to what they're all saying. I HATE this feeling of being so out of control.


xoxo rusty

Thursday, March 18, 2010


AS. Is. So. Close. SOBS!

You know what SUCKS, by the way? Last paper, Chem P1 is on the 10th. And I balik Sabah, 12th. Rugi laaaaaa. :P

Haha I've been doing maths bio maths bio mathssssssss these past couple of days.

I hate admitting it and sounding like a nerd but truth is I totally love maths, its the one subject that requires me to think the least. ;p

I like doing maths questions that make my head pound, because I'm such a hopeless nerd. ;p

So tired la these few days. I couldn't sleep last night cause I kept trying to decide on something. And cause I felt a bit guilty. *sticks out tongue* Until I ended up on my balcony with my roommate and we looked at stars together. Majorly gay, but the stars last night were the most beautiful I've ever seen, in KL. Like they covered the whole sky! It was so beautiful. (:

Sometimes I feel a bit scared of what is to come.. I feel so nervous and terrified that everything will fall apart, but thats when faith steps in and I believe God is so much more amazing and powerful than I could ever imagine, and He will bring me through everything I'm afraid of dealing with. And as I was just saying to my roomie last night, I think God's plans for us are greater and even more amazing than we could ever dare to imagine.

That hand that put those stars in the sky, who knows exactly how many they are shining every night, will hold me and guide me through when I feel tired or lost.

"I have heard your prayers and seen your tears, I will heal you."
2 Kings 20:5

xoxo rusty

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


are like apples on trees.

The best ones are at the TOP. (:


Don't want to reach up and get them because they are SCARED of falling down and hurting themselves.


Instead, they settle for the rotten apples on the ground, that aren't as good, but easy to get.

And the apples on top think that something's wrong with them,


They're amazing. :)

They just have to wait for the right guy to come along..

One who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.


xoxo rusty.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Funniest conversation I've had all week

Just now. Evening-ish.

As usual, I'm eating. Ice cream again LOL. (which by the way, is sort of in the shape of you-know-what. *grins*)

Rusty: *lick* this is harder than the other day. *pout*
Sasa: Thats cause you're licking it!

A moment's pause.

*Rusty and Sasa look at each other.*


:D LOL I'm still laughing as I type this.

xoxo rusty

P.S. If you understood what I just typed and why I'm laughing, THEN YOU'RE PERVERTED LIKE SASA AND I. :D :D :D hehehe kidding. ;p

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Whoaaa I feel so fresh, I just woke up and showered and my hair is still dripping even. :P LOL.

Oh yeah. Alice On Wonderland was so freaking amazingly awesome, I totally adore Johnny Depp I could just kiss him. :D HAHAHA yeah despite the bright orange afro and his craziness I still love him, he's such an ICON. :D Samson you have GOT to watch this, I don't care if KK has no 3D, WATCH IT IN NORMAL MODE LA BAH. hahaha.

OH! AND I LOVE THE CAT! It looks sooo cuddly you know, I just wanna hug it. :D And plus it's cute. Like really really cute. *pinch cheeks* :D (don't be fooled by the creepy too wide smile. ITS STILL ADORABLE MUAKS MUAKS)

I watched the 3D one by the way. My nose hurted afterwards. :'( Yeah those 3D specs are painful, I wore them on top of my actual specs I look like a stupid 2 glasses freak. :D HAHHA.

Still. Anything by Tim Burton, I looooooove.

Oh yeah and I just realised. I'm turning 18 in less than 2 weeks man. *sticks out tongue* Yeah obviously I don't ACT like a 18 year old but I think I can't wait to turn legal. Granted I'm a tiny bit miserable because pathetic as this sounds, this is the first time I'm spending a birthday away from home. I miss having familiar faces around me and stuff, I miss planning to go out with my friends. etc etc. Usual birthday traditions I guess. But anyways. I'm legal! I can go out and buy all the booze I want and drink my way into oblivion! :D

HAHAHHA kidding bah. I've given up drinking alcohol remember? ;p

Hmm. I feel like going for a mani, my nails are now pretty and looooong. I wanna prettify them leh. :O

xoxo rusty <3

Friday, March 12, 2010

I don't know what to say. Or at least I don't know what to say without sounding too yucky. I don't like sounding yucky. LOL.

You make me..

Take risks. Break rules. Laugh. Smile for no apparent reason. Cry. Get pissed off (but thats okay sometimes :p). Dream. Wake up super duper early and yet not feel even a teeny tiny bit cranky. Enthusiastic. Nervous. Think. Motivated. Patient.

And quite simply and in the simplest words possible- you make me happy. (:

Okay thats enough. Big hug! :D

xoxo rusty.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

OMG I haven't blogged for days and days and days, I feel so boring. :P

10 Random random random things about these couple of days.

10. I've been studying. (woohoo :D) Making bio notes and crap. Argh. I think I actually like bio you know. My gosh.

9. I think I'm now slightly deaf. Cos of watching modern dance and choir last night and sitting with Mark. His screaming. Enough said. XD

8. And another one related to Mark- He bullied me in badminton! :( Even though he promised me he wouldn't! :( *sniff*

7. I slept more than 10 hours straight and didn't get a headache.. it felt gooooooooood. (:

6. I just ate ice cream without caring or thinking "its going to make me fat". Again, it felt gooooooood. (: (:

5. I miss my mum so much I called her twice this week! LOL.

4. I've laughed til I cried. Best feeling in the world. :3

3. Preeeeeeeety. (: I hope its see-able, I took it using my lousy camera phone T.T Its chemicals from the chem lab during chem practical, lol.

2. I finally watched The Time Traveller's Wife. It was so overrated. :P

1. I still miss him every single day. :3

xoxo rusty.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

".... Honey I love the way you're everything I ever wanted." ;)

Taylor Swift (urgh I hate her cos she got to kiss Taylor Lautner. :( )

But I like her songs! :D

xoxo Rusty (:

Oh and P/S I like short hair more than long since I chopped off my hair a week ago. :D LOL.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Lean On me ;)

My retarded and yet awesomely funny classmates. I loveeeeee. (:

xoxo rusty

Monday, March 1, 2010

Oh stuck in the jungle. *rolls eyes*

These few days I've been like stuck in a little bubble, my tendency to suddenly giggle, or suddenly smile for no apparent reason is at an all-time high.

Maybe I'm going crazy.

I do admit though, that its hard for me. Simply because I've never done something like this and I've never cared enough to try. Until now. And much as I find it difficult, I wouldn't change a thing although sometimes I do wish it was a little bit easier.

Still, if it came easy then I wouldn't appreciate it so much, now would I?.. maybe this is all part of God's plan for me.

I still doubt myself at times. Confident as I am, insecurity still manages to seep in from time to time.

xoxo rusty.

"No one can get in the way of what I'm feeling..
No one can get in the way of what I feel for you."

(Alicia Keys, I totally admire her and love her songs ;))