Saturday, July 31, 2010
Hahah, (I wish I'm a rich guy) ahaha, when are you coming back KK?
september. :) AHA! you're from kk. who are you?.. :P
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
helppppp D:
Do you think you'll marry a guy rich enough to take ou to Spain? XP
HAHAHA what a question. :D well, idk. i sure hope so. anything is possible, right? ;) HAHA..
Ooo, is India that good with medicine? a friend of mine went there to study something related to medicine a year or 2 before as well i think..
they say its one of the best, so.. idk, we'll see. :)
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Ooo, what are you gonna take in India? Haha, Spain! I wanna go there too someday!
in india, medicine. :) haha hopefully la. Oh yes spaiiiiiin! :D maybe i'll marry a guy rich enough to take me there. :D HAHAHA
what was the worst mistake you had ever made and did you ever regret whatever you had done in the past?
i dont think i've made any HUGE mistakes yet. No mistakes that cant be fixed. ;) hmm. but no, i don't regret whatever i've done before cos at the time i did it, it felt right to me. :) haha. does that make sense? :P
Thursday, July 22, 2010
If u were given free return flight tickets to any place in the world of your choice, where would you go?
hmm. spain! Because Lionel messi is there. :D and and spain has so many hot footballers. :D LOL kidding. Actually I think i would wanna get tickets to go back to my hometown. :)
What course are you taking at the moment and how long more do you have at it?
umm. a levels at the moment. and i have only a few more months to go- til nov to be exact. :) and then if i pass my cut off point im headed to india. :D
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Of babies and eyes. :P
Monday, July 19, 2010
Hey, whats the most important criteria do you llook for in a guy?
hmm. someone who can make me feel secure (: haha..
About yesterday.......
Friday, July 16, 2010
I love this quote.
"If all I ate were salads every day, I'd shoot myself. Who cares if you can fit in your skinny jeans if you can't enjoy life and have something good to eat?
-Kristin Davis (from SATC)
What Do Boys Like?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Oh happy thoughts.
Monday, July 12, 2010