HAHA i can't believe this but I actually had fun at family day yesterday lolol. All thanks to Thanneer and Amy's Epic Fall. :D (the funniest thing that happened the whole day :D) oh god I'm still laughing when I think about it hahahhaa.
My family in KTT. For these 3 months. I am considered the family baby btw. According to Sean who is like my mom. HAHA.

Mandi sungai. :D
Attempted, miserably, at playing volleyball. Attempted, even more miserably, to play some game that involves throwing and catching a tennis ball. People like Loon Han and Amy can throw so freaking far. When I throw, not even halfway to the other side man. WEAK. :P
xx, karen♥
p/s, today I turn 19. happy birthday to me LOLOL. :D