Thursday, October 27, 2011

After 2 whole plus months being in india i finally picked up my beloved DSLR and started taking pictures again. :) I'm amazed that I still know how to work the manual functions and stuff. I feel like its been forever.

Diwali is just too festive, I really HAD TO take pictures. :P

Kolam outside viityaa's door. :)

Fireworks were really loud. and somewhat scary. :P

Other pictures up on facebook. I must have taken like, 200 pictures! But after I delete all the blur ones and epic fail ones I was left with 100 plus la. hehe. :)

*taken with the Vignette photo app on my phone. I'm a big fan.*


happy diwali everyone! the firecrakers are SO loud outside, i can't study or sleep. LOL.

Friday, October 14, 2011

I KNOW I HAVENT UPDATED IN FOREVER. Been too busy freaking out and studying and well.. having fun. :) ok pictures.

Malaysian night was.. last week I think. Sorry. Bit blur. :p

Some of us JPA nerds. Markos, Mich and Nana came to see us! :) Loves.  

 Cindy and I. Her eyes are sooooo gorgeous! 

 With the guys.

And with the girls. Picture's abit blurry but I love the effect.


My own vanity, but I like this picture. :D HAHA. What? we both look pretty here. sehhh. ;p

 Oh, and I cut my hair. :D Myself. With Yuen Quan's help. teehee. I like it although not everyone does. *cough*


What else? Oh. Trinity is going on now. So its too noisy outside. So I can't study. So I'm blogging after not updating for ages. :P And... oh exam is in 3 weeks and I am SO unprepared. :(

bye bye now. ♥

Do you think I'm wonderful? she asked him one day as they leaned against the trunk of a petrified maple. "No", he said. "Why?" "Because so many girls are wonderful. I imagine hundreds of men have called their loves wonderful today, and it's only noon. You couldn't be something that hundreds of others are."

- Jonathan Safran Foer, Everything is Illuminated

(saw this on one of the blogs i bookmarked. Made me smile. (: )

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I'm surprised that I still get people visiting my blog. :p i haven't updated in forever, I'm well aware. :p haha.. I've been way too busy. I know right. Same old excuse all the time. :p

So i probably havent been studying as much (or as obsessively) as I used to. Honestly speaking its cause I'm tired. :( and i know that if i stress too much now, then towards the exam time I'm going to be too tired to study, or I'm going to be sick. :p and also i know for sure that God is never going to abandon me.. as long as i did study then i have nothing to worry about.. I'll pull through somehow. :) faith is believing in a power greater than yourself and trusting in Him.

It's my brother's pmr exams this week! He's really smart even though I call him dumb all the time. :p haha. I have total confidence in his ability, I'm pretty sure he's gonna be ok.

I'm blogging using my phone right now btw. Lazy to on laptop. :p oh and spoke on the phone with Sam last night. Epic. Love you samson. :) I'm quite sure you read this so yeah. :)

Gonna fall asleep now. :p kthxbai.