I haven't posted for a WHOLE WEEK!! :(( i've been so so so busy with orientation here in KTT that i literally have no time to sit down and take a breath. :PP LOL.
Okay, lets see. The first day here, i was seriously freaking crying my eyes out on the first night. :(( I was missing home, missing my mum, missing my dogs, and HATING THE PLACE!! :(( i was SUPPOSED to share an apartment with Sarah, Jeannette, and Michelle. But then at registration it turns out they already gave us our apartment numbers
and assigned everything. :(( and guess who i had to share with? Two freaking WALRUSES!! :(( i mean it! i know its mean. i know. but its MY BLOG and i can be as mean as i want. :DD HAHA. these two girls, lets just call them W1 and W2, are S.A.P.s. Socially awkward people. :PP and they don't talk. at all. not to me, not to each other, and not to themselves. :D LOL. I don't really care at this point cos i have other friends.. :PP LOL.
you know what totally shocked me?? when W1 stepped out IN PUBLIC wearing a pair of FLESH COLOURED GLADIATOR SANDALS!!! WTH!??! Flesh. Coloured. Gladiators. Kim!! Are you not DYING with disgust??
My mum and dad were sweet enough to furnish my apartment and make it feel like home. :) i have a fridge, a cooker, and a washing machine! AND AND, a TREE GROWING ON MY BALCONY!!!!! :DD i love my apartment. AND every weekend they go home to KL city itself and leave my in MY APARTMENT alone. WTF, man. :P this is why i was so freaking pissed off on monday. :P oh, and my apartment has NO HOT WATER. i shower at around 11.30 every night. I FREEZE.
i was okay at first. meeting people and stuff. and then i called samson to tell him everything. and then i remembered, i can't even go home to KK during x'mas because i have no holiday! :(( WHAT THE HELL!!?? so that was when i lost it. I CRIED and SOBBED. oh oh and thats not the worst bit. I also cried in front of everyone. My seniors, and my group members. First impressions count, right? so i just showed everyone what a big baby i was. :DD LOL.
there's an awesome place to go jogging here, though. its up the hill. a very very steep hill. and from the top, the view is totally breathtaking. :) you can see evrything!! KLIA airport control tower in a distance. :)
I'm going to Midvalley this weekend with Jeannette and Michelle. a shopping trip, i guess. just have to get away from college for awhile. :P
Hope to meet up with my friends soon. eg, Natasha.. (Nat!! WE MUST MEET UP ONE WEEKEND! :)) and Morgan.. :)
I'm settling down a little more now, though. I'm falling into a routine, kinda. I'm missing home, missing my dogs and my 3-legged turtle plus all my KK friends, but i've got my eye on the prize- 4 A's in my A-Levels. and i'll be okay... :)
xoxo karen
P.S. Im sorry i cant post more pictures. internet here is kinda kinda slow. :P
the TREE growing ON MY BALCONY. :)
the view from my balcony. :)

my kitchen and stuffs. :D

my corner of the room. :D
xoxo karen