3 of us, Jeannette, me, and Anna, complete with our angel crowns. :) and looking ADORABLE. :D
the pretty senior who looks EXACTLY like my Bio lecturer back in Sabah. :D
Had a great weekend. Well part of it anyway. :D took the train down to Midvalley and spent a night there with Jeannette and Michelle, aka Untalkative Bunny :D. Watched Departures.. a japanese movie about a guy who handles dead bodies D: LOL. was SOOOO tired cos the movie was like, midnight screening. :P then the next day, aka yesterday, went shopping! Met up with Natasha and Sarah.. bought a HUGE hand luggage bag from FOS (YAY GOING HOME IN AUGUST!!) cant freaking wait. :D miss my pets. D: it takes about an hour, by train and taxi to get to Midvalley, but we did it in the end. :D
I'm not missing home as much as i WAS a couple of days ago. :P i mean, i'm getting used to it. I love my apartment here, it feels like home already. I've met awesome people and new friends, who are crazy but fun to be around. And besides, if i cant even handle KL, then how the hell am i gonna be able to go to India? I'm keeping an open mind. While i do miss home, the relaxed atmosphere in Sabah and things that are familiar to me, I know i cant stay there forever.
Life here in KTT hasnt really started yet, because i havent started studying yet. I resolve to be one of those people who sit in the library studying when i'm not having class. Cos here, the marks to get an A is 90 AND ABOVE. WTH?? D: so i know i have to work hard.. and weekends i'll shop hard. :D ahahah. I've met Nat, finally, but i still havent been out with Nadiy and Morgan yet. i will, soon soon. :D maybe when Nat gets back from her 2 week holidays back in Sabah. :D
lucky girl.
there are things here i still have to get used to. Like the fact that at 6.30 am, its still VERY VERY dark out, when in Sabah the sun would already be shining. And at 7 pm, the sun is still very bright and its perfect for going jogging. :D And And.. And that over here, "ping" doesnt exist in their vocab. I tried ordering Kit Chai Ping the other day, and the indian guy at the shop stared at me blankly. :P HOW EMBARASSING. :D
Am going to church later. Christian Fellowship here is small, but nice. and loud. lol. Sundays here are VERY quiet and VERY boring. which would explain why im here blogging meaninglessly. :D am planning on spending weekends at Melaka from now on. when i got no class on Saturday. cos im bored here, might as well spend the weekend with Dom at his house. With Sugar and Russell, his two adorable Golden Retrievers. :) we'll see. :D
xoxo karen.
waaaaa, you posted than fugly photo of mine :P