Saturday, September 12, 2009

This Post Is For Kim

Specially requested by Kim! :D A picture of my hair! (weird request right? :P) LOL.

This picture looked different on my camera! D: It looked really red there but here it doesnt!! D:

Haha satisfied now Kim? :P I cam-whored specially for you. ;)

Oh! And this is all thanks to Sarah. AWESOME. :D

xoxo karen


  1. AWESOME :D ... hahhaha. it's nice :) but it looks more dark brown here .. looks like just you had wayyyyyy alot of sun XP hehhehe
    thank you for cam whoring but you know you loved it :) haha

  2. Haha oh yeah, had a blast with my camera. :DD hahaha. Its not pretty as a photo!! I like it better in real life. :PP HAHA!

  3. haha in that case you should just let home now and let me see it X)

  4. CHEH! I know you miss me so so so much you can't wait for me to go home. :D HAHAHA
