So I've been stranded in KL for months now. (miss mummy and daddy and Fluffy and Brownie and Walnut and and.. oh, right. My brother. :D)
And I've been dedicating blog posts to random people :D
I haven't updated my blog in days and since I'm so bored, I think I'll dedicate this blog post to my classmates.
ALL 8 2009! :)
I kinda love my classmates. I mean I spend so much time with them every single day, besides my own housemates. Thinking about it, they are like practically family to me now.
OMG, how embarrassing if some of them read this post. :D haha.
Okay well. A photo, taken at Nemo's "surprise" birthday party a couple of weeks ago. (it was more of just an excuse to throw flour and be crazy. :D)

I'll start with Faruqi.. that I never address by anything other than Qiqi.. President of Student Council and his own little world, Qiqiland :D
Then Say.. Our adorable asst class rep who is crazy and it hurts like hell when she punches me D:
Hazlin.. The really short evil girl who insults me alot. :P (But she can get away with it thanks to her cute-ness) :)
Ib.. Her housemate and the calmest girl in our class who never yells and never screams and never.. well, I've made my point. :)
Amalina.. I don't know her all that well yet but she's nice la I think :)
Ezza.. She lives in my tangga.. :D
Nader.. She is so damn loud :P haha.
Shana.. My darling Sabahan friend, the only girl in class I can speak Sabahan with, BAH. :) hehe.
Amy.. She makes me laugh and I like her alot alot alot. :) Especially her crazy obsession with her rabbits. :D
Nemo.. He. Is. Just. Evil. Enough said. :P
Hanif.. I call him monkey. :D
Shah.. He has white glasses. OMG he reminds me of the only other guy I know with white glasses. CHIA. :D
Gavin.. *so-called scandal* :S hahaha.
Ika.. Sweet, shy, and quiet. :) Mata sepet. :D
Ferd.. Crazy. Thats all I can describe him as. :P
Nisa.. The girl with the adorable pinky pink camera. :)
Kogila.. Insect hater, SHE SCREAMS SO LOUD WHEN SHE SEES INSECTS. :P she makes me laugh and I like her alot :) heh.
Gebby.. We share the same phone! Although mine is prettier thanks to the purple and the bling, bwahahahaha! ;D hehe.
Sean.. My pretty Chinese girl friend from Sarawak. :)
Please oh please, I hope I havent missed anyone. :)
Before I came here, I was from a Catholic school. Mostly Chinese-population. So coming here was a TOTAL culture shock. Like literally. Do you know, the there are only TWO Chinese girls in my class. Me and Sean. (Even then I'm not pure Chinese)
So I'm really glad I get along with these insane classmates of mine. :)
Ohhh. Ohhh. Oh. And about "him". I haven't talked to him in days.. Just a quick hi and/or bye when I see him. Enough to make me happy though :D
GAHHHH. Hopeless romantic. :S
xoxo karen