Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Okay, so things have been freaky for the past 2 months.

The whole pressing thing?..

I seem to get it more.. and its freaking me out.. All my close-ish friends know about it.. and the other thing.. so I won't bother putting it here, cos actually I don't really wanna think about it.

My dad told me the more I think about it the worse it gets.

I agree.

So I've taken to praying and praying and praying that it'll all stop... And seriously last night after praying my rosary and reading the Bible (Ephesians Chapter 6 had EXACTLY what I was looking for), I had the most peaceful sleep I've ever had since coming to KTT.

I mean it. The power of prayer. :)

I've even began to pray the 3pm prayer everyday even when I'm in class. (using my baby rosary :D)

I refuse to be afraid. I refuse to let this scare me. (Although it does, kinda). I believe God is trying to teach me something by letting me experience all these.. I trust in Him and I'm going to keep praying. Maybe this is His way of leading me closer to Him.

Pray that tonight will be another peaceful night's sleep. :)

xoxo karen


  1. Wow, awesome!!!
    The Rosary..
    The power of prayer..

  2. I sleep with the bible at Psalms 91 next to me when I'm feeling... nervous at night. haha

  3. Nat, I'll try reading that then :)I don't feel nervous at night, thats the thing. It usually happens during the day.. funny right.. :P haha

  4. Hey Karen .. Not sure whats happening .. But I hope everything is alrite .. Hugs .. >.< ..
