And HOW I WISH IT WASN'T RAINING RIGHT NOW. Rain reminds me of Brownie. And Walnut. Oh gosh, its funny. Whenever it rains Brownie would run around like a crazed psycho because she's so happy.. And she would look up at the sky to see where the water's coming from. :D INSANELY cute. :) And of course, there's Walnut who's TERRIFIED OF THE RAIN. So he hides somewhere in the back area of my house. :D
This is my beautiful, spoilt, amazing, greedy, intelligent best friend Brownie. (: I adopted her when I was 14, and I've loved her ever since. MISS HER SO MUCH. She's the main reason I get so homesick. :(
Walnut! Whom I adopted a year after Brownie. I love his name.. WALNUT. :D haha. This is when he was a puppy. Now he ain't cute no more. :D
I didn't wanna specially blog about my dogs. *I MISS MY DOGS!* :D (the guys in class are evil and pick on me everytime I say this.)
What I'm feeling right now is so complicated and I can't understand it.
*can't put it in here either cos its too personal and I don't want the whole world to bully me about it* :D haha.
I think it wouldn't work out anyway. And then there's the little voice in my head whispering, "You never know.."
ARGH. Stupid voice. =.="
I DON'T WANT TO!! IT WON'T WORK OUT! *besides I doubt he likes me back :P*
xoxo karen
i wanna be that little voice! XD