Yeap I'm finally home as in KTT, (I can't believe I said home, LOL) so I decided to post up my pictures from this past weekend. :P
Friday night:
Waited for Felicia to buy a ball for Edson (don't ask) so Sasa and I cam-whored while waiting. ;)
HAHA Sasa made me pose! I dunno how to! :P LOL.
Blurry, my stupid camera. :( Dunno why. :(
I spent (no, wait, Sasa spent all morning dying my hair. (: ) Thanks honey! No more fugly roots, woots. :D
Her cake with candles, pretty ehy? (:
HEHE she's finally wearing a skirt. (: I am gonna be her slave for two weeks you know. Just cause she agree to wear the skirt. *pout*
This is one of her presents. AWESOMELY adorable. (: I wish I had friends who would get bake for me. *wink* :D
Oh yes, I conuldn't resist! I found this in Felicia's room, I WAS SO FREAKING EXCITED YOU KNOW! DKNY lip gloss man! It smelt nice. :3
Sarah and I. See? My hair is so red slash brown slash I dunno what color. :P
In Felicia's room, in our dresses. Party theme was beachwear okay.. :P
This is the present we got for Felicia. (using xmas wrapper cos we don't like to waste. :D)
And then..
I'd love to blog more but damn tired leh, some more got class tomorrow morning. :P AND I JUST WANNA SAY, SOMETHING MADE ME VERY FREAKING HAPPY JUST NOW, OMG OMG OMG. :D
I'll say this another time. (:
xoxo karen
happy birthday felicia!!!
i knw i knw i knw why u so hepi~~~ haha~~... LOL. Hepi bday walrus!~