hellooo world. (:
Today I'm in a slightly better mood. :D hahaha. I got back my Biology results today. I got... ahahaha. I'm not gonna put it down. :P ehe. Okay. Lets just say that for the first time I managed to get above 70 in 3 subjects! Which may not sound like much to any smart-ass people reading this =S but to me is totally an achievement. (:
Only Physics was total and complete shit, I did so badly, I remember after the paper I cried BLEHHH. :P
*happy* I hope nothing ruins my mood. XD haha.
Oh but something already has. Cheer up darling.. (: Plenty more boys out there to drool over. *wink* no I don't mean to sound insensitive, I'm just worried about you. :( Cos whenever you see me lying on my bed being emo you'll rush to my side and won't leave me alone til I start laughing again. And so I feel bad seeing you so down. Smiley smile kay? :) before I have to kiss you again. DON'T MAKE ME. XD hahaha.
Oh yeah I haven't posted any pictures in awhile. I got a new laptop last week so I transferred photos from my old one into my new one yeah, and I found pictures I actually didn't remember I had! Qiqi, kan you wanted to see how I looked like when I was nerdy? I HAVE MY OLD NERD PICTURES NOW! :DD another time la kay.. :D
ahaaa speaking of pictures.. I miss my daddy I'm going to post a picture of the two of us LOLs.

currently my wallpaper. (: I used to be so.... ahm. fill in the blank. XD
Yeah totally random. I just miss my dad, I miss all the long drives home after work (for him) and school (for me) and of course, my driving when I first got my license and he sat in the passenger seat yelling at me to be careful. I miss him nagging me to "wei.. kasi mandi tu anjing bah!" and him constantly bugging me to wash his car. XD HAHA funny, these tiny random memories make me smile. (:
Yeah I'm a daddy's girl.
xoxo rusty. (:
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