Friday, April 30, 2010

You know what?...

Have you ever wondered...

Why people wear their wedding bands on the 4th finger of their left hands?

Weeeeeeell, apparently...

Its because..

In that 4th finger there's a vein that leads straight to your heart. :)


xoxo rusty.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

*Sniff Sniff*

Okay, I've stayed away for a couple of days and now I can't stand it, hehe here I am, I'm blogging again. :D

Kinda bangga this. Been studying til late for the past couple of days. And even during the day. Been sacrificing my daily naps just to scribble down random bits of physics I wanna remember.

Oh yeah.

Am currently obsessed with perfume! (:

I've always liked perfume, I can recognize people by their scents. My dad, Burberry and occasionally Polo. My mum, CK. My roommate, Davidoff Cool Water. :D (this one kinda tipu la, I see her using it every single day bah. ;P) In fact, speaking of scents, there's someone I know who smells particularly good and I absolutely love the way he smells.*wink* (Yes Felicia, don't ask for a pail to muntah in.)

But I myself don't normally use it, having been blessed by idk, good genes? so that I don't need perfume cos I don't smell bad. But recently I've began to use it every single day before running downstairs for class.

Seriously, no idea why. Here in KTT I only have two bottles la, the rest are at home in Sabah. I love Lancome Miracle but finish already. :(

Anyways. In KTT I alternate between my beloved Vera Wang Princess (ta daaaa, yes it really looks like this, so pretty I kinda xsanggup wanna use. ;P)

and my cheaper tiny bottle of Body Shop Oceanus.

:) yeah I'm totally in love with both. But then I've kinda gotten a bit bored of them and actually the scent I'm really craving for right now (actually, not just right now, its a scent I've always wanted) is something that smells candy-sweet. (:

So I went into Google and after looking through many many reviews and descriptions of "sweet smelling perfumes" I've narrowed down my choice to.....*drum roll please*

Britney Spears- Fantasy. :)


Sorry. Super duper excited. Actually Tatianna bought me this scent once (remember Tat-Tat?) when she went to Australia.. I absolutely love the smell, its super sweet and not in the floral sickly sweet way, but the yummy cotton candy and marshmallow way.

Even the bottle is to die for! :D PINK AND COVERED IN BLING OMG OMG OMG I'M ABOUT TO FAINT WITH EXCITEMENT. :p IDK when I'll buy it. SOON. :D I need a pick-me-up to get rid of AS depression. ;P

When I use this (or at least, the one Tatianna bought for me) I smell so sweet you could just EAT ME. teehee. :D

This is SO at the top of my wishlist right now. ;)

Weird also la. Why all the sudden obsession for perfume? :P

xoxo rusty

Monday, April 26, 2010

Webcamming with my family. :D

Thanks to my mum's constant pestering and my handsome (*cough) brother's piano playing (SHOW-OFF. Actually I'm just jealous. He's getting really good and I'm really bitter, hehe. :p), I've decided to stop blogging for a little while and try to concentrate harder on my AS preparations.

*feels like a good girl*

Ohkays, am off to study now. :D

(Or maybe... play badminton? ARGH. Idk.)

xoxo rusty

You Know What?..

I like the way you sound in the morning.


xoxo rusty

Friday, April 23, 2010

wedding planning! :D

(this was taken ages ago.)

What happens when you put together these 6 teenage girls, in the library, with a newspaper that happens to be doing a 10 page feature on weddings?


So like, we were in the library right, (the notoriously noisy and dirty-talking all8 girls, haha) and then Shana opened the newspaper and saw the feature, and that was when we all started grabbing the newspaper and talking at once.

Nader and Shana arguing about kids, Sean and I discussing rings, and everyone trying to talk at once when it came to perfect wedding ceremonies.

Seriously, I cannot remember the last time I laughed so hard. :)

What is it about weddings that makes girls so.... crazy? :P Not that we weren't crazy before la, the thing is we always are. HAHA. But still..

And Amy said it best, "I like it when we all hang out like this.."

AWW! :)

Pre-AS kinda pushed everyone away from each other in a way, we were all like so busy studying and whatnot, we hardly saw each other. And AS is coming up! :(

*study study study til my head bursts open and spills out random disgusting chunks of Chemistry and Physics and maths.*


Oh yeah and my fishies are still alive! Staring aimlessly at them every day seems to be my newest hobby. :p

I can really ramble on and on and on if I'm bored. Today is just one of those days.

xoxo rusty

Thursday, April 22, 2010

South Park version of Rusty.

I created her! :D

HAHAHAHAHAHA! *wipes away tears*

That just gave me a good laugh. Damn funny. :P

I even gave her chubby cheeks and a Brownie so she'll look EXACTLY like me. *wink*

xoxo rusty

My dreams are about to come true! :D

Y'know right, its in my list of things to do before I'm 20, to volunteer at an animal shelter.

Well I found one! And it ain't far! Its in Subang, hehee.


Visit this website!! Pleaseee? :) I mean if you're a nice person who wants to help sad innocent animals la. If you don't..... then you're MEAN. :p

Idk when I can go la. After AS probably. I mean I know most people go to orphanages, or mentally handicapped people's homes, etc. But in my opinion, animals have much less focus. They suffer in SILENCE and can't even voice out when they're hurt or scared or abused. Unlike humans. So that makes me wanna help animals instead, simply because less people care about them. And the fact that they're INNOCENT!

Seeing abandoned animals on the street, being kicked and abused and getting rocks thrown at them, starving and having no shelter, looking at the fear in their eyes as they see humans, used to be enough to make me cry. That was pretty much why I started feeding strays outside my house. And then eventually adopted three. (yeah I have three dogs, Brownie and Walnut and Tim.) :D

My dream of becoming a vet isn't gonna happen, I'm gonna be a doctor instead. So the closest I'm going to get, is volunteer and help out here. (:

xoxo rusty
Today was a day of many firsts. (not like, first in EVER, but first in like, a long time. Am I making sense? :p)

Lemme think.

Woke up, washed my hair. In the sink. :D HAHAHA. (just to prove that with my shorter hair, I CAN. ;D)

Made myself look like a panda before running down for class, courtesy of Maybelline liquid eyeliner. *wink* I haven't touched it in agessss, I can't believe I still have a steady hand to draw my eyes. :P
Went to BBST with Shanabelle and gossiped with her. I love you girl! :) Never a boring moment when you're around. (and trust me, I don't just say this to anyone, haha.)

Turned down offer to go pasar malam. HATE Nilai's pasar malam.

OMG OMG OMG played badminton with Sasa. Like how many months already, I had NO urge whatsoever to pick up my racket, suddenly today I had the mood. And it was really fun! Okay well I kinda suck already thanks to the fact that I haven't played in awhile, but y'know.. it was fun. (: Then walked around the field with Sasa, Chris and Nana.. Laughed at fat guys on the football field desperately trying to appear manly. Didn't work. :P

Like this oso wanna take picture, mmg teda kerja. ;p

Marveled at thee sunset and its ability to make everything around glow. It turned my skin this gorgeous shade of gold, wish it could stay that way forever. ;) OH and in KL the sun sets after 7, a fact that astounded me when I first entered KTT because in KK the sun sets at 6, haha.

Kinda suddenly miss KK laa. Miss running in the park with that demented Brownie of mine.

*rapid rapid mood change.*

xoxo rusty.

Oh and btw i know you sometimes stalk me so i decided to stalk you too. cheers.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

And oh, before I forget..

Oh and because I was so depressed and annoyed about my Mech paper right, I went out and chopped off my bob. x)

HAHA I've kinda hated my bob since I had it. :P It wasn't what I wanted, it wasn't the cut I was after. I've had short hair since form 3 til like form 5, it was always the messy short Japanese-ish kinda look and I think it worked for me. And in feb when I cut off my hair, I wanted the stylist to cut back that style except DUH my regular stylist is in KK, and KL stylists obviously love bobs. =.=

Bobs are ugly! And boring! And they grow out of shape and that makes you look like an overgrown mushroom. :P It makes me look like a good girl and I hate it. :p (yeah don't mind me, still pissed about the mech, am taking out my frustration on the super duper ugly (in my humble opinion) bob.) :P

Anyways. I like the cut they gave me though! X)

Its shorter, so short that the back doesn't even touch my neck. Its spiky at the sides, messy and I can get outta bed and head for class without even combing my hair. The kinda freedom I love. :D I look like myself again! My form 3 to form 5 self. HAHA. Idk.. It reminds me of high school, of the person I used to be. I like it.

See, it doesn't even touch my neck. :D HAHA.

Makes my face look chubbier in fact. *wink*

I wanted a mohawk. :D Cause Mark Salling has one and he's damn sexy. :D Except the stylist told me I can't, cos she says I have a chubby baby face thats not ngam with a boyish cut. Argh. She wanted to erm.. preserve? my girly look. :P HAHA.

Anyways. Am in a better mood now. ;)

xoxo rusty

Oh yeah, and because I'm cranky and in the mood to be a bitch, I'll just say. I don't like you cos I think you're stalker-ish and thats just creepy.

thats all! :)

I think Mechanics Hates me. :(

I was so effing disappointed in myself.


My Mechanics paper. Tengok bah. Its like, full marks for all questions EXCEPT THE LAST ONE WHICH CARRIES THE MOST FREAKING MARKS.


Okaysssss, depressed.

(Although, in my defense, it wasn't a careless mistake, I actually seriously had no idea how to do the question. Still. Its no excuse, I'm still really disappointed in how STUPID I am. :P)


xoxo rusty.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010




I sat and THOUGHT and kept on thinking and suddenly it just popped up in my head. :P

HAHA! Can sleep properly tonight. ;p

xoxo rusty
Things that made me happy today. *wink*

1. I talked to someone last night, who caused me to fall asleep with a smile on my face. (:

2. Not to *cough* show off, but *cough* I got 56 outta 60 for my Bio P2. :D :D :D

3. I woke up late and fed my fishies and as they ate, they looked soooooo cute I couldn't help but smile.

4. I had some time with my girlfriends today, laughing about the most random things and catching up. We took a marker and drew a star and our initials on the inside of our wrists, and declared we belong to a cult. Crazy? Hell yeah. Feels like I haven't seem them in forever. It was awesome. (:

5. All Qiqi had to do was simply insist that the initials drawn on my wrist should be DD (as opposed to MINE, KL) and it made me blush. -__- (OMG I've got it bad, haven't I..)

6. Skyped with my family last night, the chatter of everybody trying to talk at once makes smile with nostalgia. It was like I was right there in the same room, and it was like I haven't even been gone for a day.

7. I finished a book yesterday, it was so lovely I feel like reading it all over again.

8. It just rained outside, the air feels so cool and calming as the wind caresses my face. ;) I'm in love with this weather.

9. Texted my best friend last night, who made me wonder. What the hell is the name of that brown fruit again? The one whose skin is like snakeskin? OMG I'm still wondering about it even til today. Anyone reading this, if you know, drop a comment, can? Its driving me crazy. :S

10. Flipped through my Bible last night, looking at the many highlighted verses that have touched my heart and sometimes comfort me when I'm down. The many promises God make for His children reassures me that I'm so incredibly blessed and lucky to be a Catholic, and its something I would never want to change. (:

xoxo rusty :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Hey, you. :)

I forgot to give you this! :O sorry. heh. ;p

xoxo karen ;)

Pictures! =D

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Things Karen did so far today.

1. Woke up.

2. Laughed at Felicia cos she had to wake up at 8 whereas I slept happily til 10.

3. Makan. :D

4. Felicia's phone died so took the train to KL Sentral.

5. The inertia of the train KINDA knocked me off balance a bit, so I giggled out loud and that caused a random old woman to stare at me suspiciously (yeah she thought I was SLIGHTLY psycho. :P)

6. Sat at Starbucks and gossiped with Felicia til like.. oh, idk. 1? 1 something? :p

I just realised, the one and only thing I love about KL more than my beloved KK, is the fact that there are trains. :P Call me weird if you want to, but I like travelling on the train. Maybe cos I like staring at random people, it makes me laugh and I realise if you're quiet, you can actually observe alot. Example, the time I saw a lesbian couple on the train, HAHAHA ;p

And now, I'm in Felicia's living room wondering what movie to watch (we have the whole apartment to ourselves which means the volume can be on super loud, lol)

I feel like watching a stupid mindless movie that will make me laugh. Laughed at Enchanted yesterday cause it was soooooo retarded. :P HAHA.

xoxo rusty
This has been one of the MOST spontaneous and yet amazingly fun weekends I've ever had since coming to KL.

HAHA guess where I went last night?

GENTING! :D With Felicia and her family. It was SUCH a last minute decision, I had a really good time. We actually pretty much went up there just for dinner, then walked around randomly in the indoor theme park and it kinda made me totally want to visit the open air one! :D During the day that is. After A2 I SHALL GO AND PLAY! :D (or maybe sooner than that. All depends. ;) )

I looooooove theme parks. (: And all the rides. The scarier the better. :D (I have been known to say, only retards are afraid of heights. ;P) HAHAHA!

I shall post up the pictures tommorow, I'm at my roomie's and DID NOT bring my laptop. :p

xoxo rusty

P/S I think my fishies are dying. :(

P/P/S I.......... M........ U........

P/P/P/S :D :D

Saturday, April 17, 2010



Yeah it was pretty much 100% perfect. :)

HAHA too private to post up on a public blog which I know for a fact some people read. :p posting it on my tumblr instead. ;P

THANK YOU Felicia, I love you!! :D

xoxo rusty

Monday, April 12, 2010

Things are like........ SO much better at the moment.

Yeah and I'm praying that it lasts. (:

What is it about him that makes me so....... IDK. Emotional. And by emotional I don't necessarily mean SAD or something, I mean, I feel a WHOLE range of emotions. Anyone around me could tell you the way I'm acting right now is so cottton candy sweet and happy that they could just puke.

Oh, but I don't care.

I still feel homesick though. Its the islands. I have this sudden craving, these past few days, to go to an island (IN SABAH) and breathe in the smell of the ocean. And the view, needless for me to say how I feel about THAT. (:

In June. In June I shall get to go home. The knowledge of this is getting me through everything, every homesick little voice in my head is being silenced by the fact that ITS ONLY 2 MONTHS AWAY.

xoxo rusty

Friday, April 9, 2010

20 things.

I came up with this list when I was 16.

20 Things to do before I'm 20. It was like.. A way of trying to accomplish all the things I want to do before its too late (ie I get too old and boring, and lose my guts. :D)

Anyways. I figured four years would be enough for me to accomplish 20 things. And I have it stuck on my wall just to remind myself. The picture here was just me playing with my crappy laptop webcam. x)

So here are my 20 things. (:

20. Get my driving license.

19. Donate my blood.

18. Try scuba diving.

17. Learn to change my own car tyre.

16. Dye my hair.

13. Adopt an abandoned animal.

12. Volunteer at an animal shelter.

11. Own a pair of Nine West heels.

10. Get into college.

09. Have an ambition.

08. Learn to cook.

07. Try white water rafting.

06. Try bungee jumping.

05. Learn a new language.

04. Speak somewhat coherent mandarin. :D

03. Own a REAL Prada bag! (:

02. Car that I can call my own.

01. NOT smoke. x)

So far I've only done 9! D: But there's still time and I'm like planning to do most of the daring dangerous ones (esp white water rafting, OMG I CAN'T WAIIIIIIT! :D) after A2.

xoxo rusty.


I've decided to let it go. And RELAX. And not think so much.

Everything's okay now. (: I'M okay now.

xoxo rusty

I'm into short little posts lately. Cuteeeeeeeee. :D They're like tweets or something except I don't use twitter. x)

For the FIRST TIME...

since Pre-AS started......

It actually felt okay. :)

Oh, I think I love Biology. ;)

xoxo rusty

PS yeah i still go by the name rusty, as shahrul so kindly reminded me just this morning. ;p

Thursday, April 8, 2010

MWAH kinabalu. ;)


This is my idea of perfection. (:

I think I miss home. *pout*

Do you think I'll EVER see such a beautiful view here in this jungle?

Didn't think so.

This past week have been sooooooo emotionally draining, I think I just need my mum or something. :( She's like cool water soothing the pain I've been feeling. I don't even need to tell her what's going on and whats causing all the pain, I just need to crawl into bed beside her like the little kid that I am, and somehow everything feels like its going to be okay.

I'm so vulnerable at the moment. Hate it. More than anything I want everything to go back to the way it used to be. :( So unfair. I don't know, maybe I really should make up my mind once and for all. God, how sickening. I used to hate girls like how I am now. Indecisive. And whining.

Please, don't make me change my mind. Pleeeeeeeeeeease.

Jesus? I know You're there. I need help. :(

xoxo rusty


I'm tired of the games, can we just stop? :/

xoxo rusty

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I know EXACTLY what I HAVE to do.

I just don't know if I have the guts to do it.

xoxo rusty

Monday, April 5, 2010

Tiny facts. :O

I am now much much much calmer. (:

Random things in my head at the moment:

I was just wondering a couple of days ago, how long I can keep up this blog. And I'm hoping a long long time. Til I go to India probably. :D (if I get to go. Which is the one thing I'm praying EVERY SINGLE TIME when I'm in church and offering up my prayers to God.)

I trust that if He brought me to this and gave me this that so many people wanted but couldn't get, then that means He has a plan for me and He will bring me through this. (:

I suddenly kinda miss my family. I talked to my mum yesterday and kinda had a brief little moment of tension when I said I don't wanna go back to Sabah during raya, I wanna stay in KL. (Cos I'm going back in June anywaysssss whats the point of going back so often, PS I don't like airplanes. :P) but she wants me to go back.

Thinking about it again, maybe she misses me too. (:

I spent at least an hour today and FINALLY learnt to tie a sliding knot. Oh goodness. Painstakingly difficult. D: And there's still so much to do!! My fingers are starting to hurt. :'(

But it'll all be worth it! :) You'll see.

I think I'm really really starting to love my fish. :D Them being cute is one thing, but I think what I really love is to just sit here and watch them swim round in circles. Its calming! And like.. I just don't know how to describe it, I think its because I'm such an animal lover. But when I see animals and they look so innocent and adorable (LIKE MY FISHIES!) it just makes me smile. The feeling most people get when they see babies. :P (except not me cos I don't really erm.. like kids. :P)

Thats why I've adopted so many animals, my house in KK currently resembles a zoo. :D

Chemistry today was total CRAP. :(

Enough said. :P

xoxo rusty

Oh and P/S, I'm sorry too. For snapping and being way too impatient. I'll be better. Really. (:

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Warning- This is an emo one ;P

It feels good to suddenly talk to him again. EHE.

Oh gosh. Abit abit abit guilty also la.. But then.. I don't really care anymore.

All this drama.. All the emotions.. Are so very draining. I couldn't even tell you how many times I wish it was abit easier. That people are more even tempered, that people take out their anger on me a little less. Sometimes I don't understand it, it makes me shut down and don't feel like arguing or responding at all cos I'm just so freaking tired of it all.

Anyways. I know I act like a kid. I know, honestly. But then.. why can't people just be honest once in a while? Don't say things like you're scared I can't handle it. TRY ME.

Respect me enough to try being brutally honest with me, and you will be pleasantly surprised to see that I'm NOT going to be so sad or I'm NOT going to kill myself out of disappointment. Probably the only person who's always (and I mean ALWAYS) honest with me is Samson. Everyone else will filter things. Oh except Felicia. She's honest too because I force things outta her. Hmmmmm. (:

I've been wanting to type this for SUCH A LONG TIME!

It hurts la.. I couldn't even tell you how it feels really.. The feeling you get when someone blows you off like you're nothing, like you don't matter enough to them to tell you what they really want from you. I'm not a mind reader and if you expect me to be, you're just going to end up disappointed.

I also hate that I'm tearing as I type this.

Because maybe sometimes when you feel strongly about something, or someone, you're willing to put up with any crap they put you through, just because. Just because.

xoxo rusty

Friday, April 2, 2010

Blessed Good Friday! Its kinda magical you know but every single year for as long as I can remember, it rains on Good Friday. Its like the Earth is being cleansed and made pure and sinless again. Which I suppose in a way, it is. (:

He died for us, lets live for Him. :3

xoxo rusty

Thursday, April 1, 2010


KTT exam fever! :S

Oh I can feel myself getting sick. :P

I should be doing Mechanics (i'm sitting for the paper tommorow) but I couldn't resist hijacking my roomie's laptop for a quick blog post.

Yeaps for you non-bloggers, I swear blogging is addictive. (:

Anyways. Chem practical today. Went fine apart from the fact that I went abit blur halfway through it and accidentally got sulphuric acid on myself. Ouch. Concentrated some more. *sticks out tongue* Sakit..

My fishies are alive and well! :D (except Peanut who died this morning, I flushed him in the toilet despite my roommate's constant nagging that I should give him a proper burial)

And tommorow is Good Friday! Which kinda depresses me because for the first time in years, I won't get to attend mass at 3pm.. It's kinda sad la cos like.. once a year and the most important date in the Christian calendar (apart from christmas of course ;)) and I won't get to go to church cos I got a Physic paper. sighs.

Anyways. Back to torturing my brain with Mech! :D

xoxo rusty <3