Today was a day of many firsts. (not like, first in EVER, but first in like, a long time. Am I making sense? :p)
Lemme think.
Woke up, washed my hair. In the sink. :D HAHAHA. (just to prove that with my shorter hair, I CAN. ;D)Made myself look like a panda before running down for class, courtesy of Maybelline liquid eyeliner. *wink* I haven't touched it in agessss, I can't believe I still have a steady hand to draw my eyes. :P
Went to BBST with Shanabelle and gossiped with her. I love you girl! :) Never a boring moment when you're around. (and trust me, I don't just say this to anyone, haha.)
Turned down offer to go pasar malam. HATE Nilai's pasar malam.OMG OMG OMG played badminton with Sasa. Like how many months already, I had NO urge whatsoever to pick up my racket, suddenly today I had the mood. And it was really fun! Okay well I kinda suck already thanks to the fact that I haven't played in awhile, but y'know.. it was fun. (: Then walked around the field with Sasa, Chris and Nana.. Laughed at fat guys on the football field desperately trying to appear manly. Didn't work. :P

Like this oso wanna take picture, mmg teda kerja. ;p
Marveled at thee sunset and its ability to make everything around glow. It turned my skin this gorgeous shade of gold, wish it could stay that way forever. ;) OH and in KL the sun sets after 7, a fact that astounded me when I first entered KTT because in KK the sun sets at 6, haha.
Kinda suddenly miss KK laa. Miss running in the park with that demented Brownie of mine.
*rapid rapid mood change.*
xoxo rusty.
Oh and btw i know you sometimes stalk me so i decided to stalk you too. cheers.
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