I procrastinated all day. Went to class, feigned concentration, tried not to think. Even tried to take a nap (but I couldn't). So I finally went downstairs as slowly as possible and as I walked towards the office I saw people crying (and I don't mean tears of joy, by the way) and then..
Ok, long story short.
Yeah I know my results.
Biology- A.
Chemistry- A.
Mathematics- A.
Physics- B.
HAHAHAHAHA 3 A's and a B! *relief*
Okay, so it wasn't the results I had been hoping for, yeah, but whatever! I did it! I got 19 outta 20 points and OMG I am so........... satisfied. :) And I praise God, for in my weakness, He shows His strength. :)
I am seriously satisfied with it, really, I am.
I called my dad first and I was like asking him to guess my B, and he guessed Physics. -.- yeap, my dad obviously knows his daughter well, bimbos like me JUST CANNOT DO PHYSICS to a level of "A". :P
And he was so happy with my results! I mean at first I was abit like disappointed cause I mean, ONE MORE POINT and I could have gotten straights, but the disappointment went away as I heard how happy he sounded.
And then after I hung up the phone he sent me a text, "Emphasize more on the physics but also maintain the other subject. Proud of yr achievement. Keep up the good work."
And THAT, was enough to reduce me to tears. (:
I owe this all to God, for answering my prayers. To my daddy, for his unwavering belief in me, for the pep talks and the words of encouragement when I am about to give up. To my mum of course, for her well-intended nagging that only Chinese mothers can do. :P And yeah my lecturers who helped me.
Of course I still have a long way to go (A2 coming up, OMG) but yeah for today, I am happy. :D
xoxo karen
Know exactly how u feel, hahah! I remembered how I got 6As and 1B for PMR, just 1 more man! and I could have said straight As whenever ppl ask, hahah.. ah well, goodluck in IELTS! No worries though, I did fine, And Im sure you'd do even better! =)