i was doing maths. :D
thats the only reason my laptop was on, i swear! I was searching online for exam papers. ;)
And then i was on fb and he talked to me! it was so sudden and unexpected, i dunno why, i giggled, lol. haven't heard from him in months.
and as i was typing isaac (whom i ALSO haven't heard from in months) just texted. Today is so surprising, lol.
Had bengkel today, as i had for the past three days. YUMMY FLUFFEH-HAIRED EYE CANDY! ;D
ok, enough sounding like a bimbo. Baaack to maths. i'm gonna try so hard to score an A, that I WILL. you'll see. ;)
i miss you, daddy. i miss you, mum. things are so different during exams these days, not being able to hear reassurance from you guys before i enter the exam hall. i miss that. i'll try my best to make you guys proud, i promise.
xoxo karat. XD
Well goodluck for your exams! im sure you'll do great!