Friday, January 7, 2011

What do you think it means to be in love?

OHHHHHkay this is hard.

I think I've never been in love. :O (except for shoes la ahaha). I'm going to be forever ALONE. :(

Okay fine. *serious sudah ni* Lemme think. Hmm. Being in love, I think, would mean sacrifice. Its not about what you can get from someone else, rather, its about how you can make the other person happy. Its about staying awake until 3am, or not sleeping all night if you have to, just to be on the phone with him. Its about not buying that gorgeous pair of heels (*OMG) because you wanna save the money to get him something nice instead. :O

HAHAHA what would I know about love. I've never even lasted more than a few months with a guy. :P I admire the people who can be with someone for years. To me that will only happen if the guy is truly special. :P

I think being in love doesn't necessarily have to be like, thinking about someone all day, or spending all your time with him. I think you can be far away and yet be in love. Its a matter of trust and knowing that although you COULD have someone else, you don't WANT anyone else. You want him. Simple as that. :)

*i think i didn't really do a good job with this one. :|


  1. I stay up till 4,5am everyday to do my work these days... does that mean im in love with my work? XD I dont think its love! hahaha
