Thursday, June 24, 2010

HELLOOO, junior.


Two nights ago.. At around 12am.. I was like so innocently curled up under my blanket (it was super cold) and about to go to sleep. Have to wake up early the next day for a math test. And then I noticed as I looked out of my room..

3 lecturers. Standing there. And two of them are super duper garang some more. :P

LIKE OMG. Heart attack, much?

I went outside la, shivering and all cause I was only wearing shorts (and it was still cold) and Sasa and Felicia and I just stood there as they walked around checking stuff out.

And then they started scolding us.

Because apparently the house is messy. -__- AND told us,


Sighs. And my ex-math lecturer starting scolding me cause the house is dirty and she wouldn't believe Sasa who told her the roof is leaking. -__-


We rearranged the house that same night, cleaned it all up, and I had to give up one of my tables (I was hogging two, one for me and one for my fish ;p) So freaking many ants. ARGH I hate this.

Oh but thank God they didn't marah about my hamsters. ;P HEHE.

Oh and I couldn't sleep til almost 2 am.

Oh and I think I totally flunked my math test the next day cause I was too sleepy. :P

xoxo ren

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