I woke up at 6 am today. Freakishly early!
All in the name of charity. (:
Pink ribbons- the international symbol of breast cancer awareness. (:
Seriously I couldn't even think of a worthier cause to support. But thats just my opinion. (: I support this because.. well, I'm doing it in a way for my darling mum who was diagnosed a couple of years ago.
And here she is now, healthy and strong as ever thanks to early detection. (:
So basically what I did today was attempt to sell stuff to raise money for organisations in Sabah to carry out more projects to raise awareness of breast cancer. And also for the society who organised this, its sorta a fundraiser. And together with other volunteers we kinda went around pinning on pink ribbons to unsuspecting people, to show support for breast cancer patients. :D
Pretty right? :) Even the charity organisation I choose to support has to be pink. :P Shows what a pink-freak I am, haha.
I'm dead tired but feel kinda good about myself. ;)
xoxo karen
hey. cool karen!! awesome experience to join this. i always idolized those cancer survivor. Not just ppl like lance armstrong, but ordinary people around me who managed to fight and win over it. Pray for their very health!~