Thursday, August 13, 2009

Am sitting in the study area of KTT, waiting for my IELTS group-mates to hurry up and get here so we can finish our project. :S

I really need to get more sleep. :( Haven't been getting enough rest lately.. Stayed up until like 2 am this morning, then woke up at like 6.50 am. OMG. No wonder I've been feelinf like crap lately. :(

AND I was feverish this morning. :P I wonder why. :P LOL.

And during my 2 hour break i went home and SLEPT. And then there was this really freaky sensation, where I was like asleep, except my mind was awake. Do you get what I mean? I tried to move but I couldn't ! It was like there was this weight pressing down on my body and I couldn't get up. (I even tried to yell but I couldn't. The whole thing freaked me out so bad because I immediately remembered what Sarah told me, that this thing happens when a spirit presses down on your body.

I honestly don't know if that's true, but it freaked me out anyway. :(

While I was still stuck there, I started to pray. Honestly, I did! And then the next thing I know, I fell back asleep, and then when I woke up I could move again.

I looked at my phone and realised I was only asleep for like half an hour. :P

Damn freaky experience. :(

But praise the Lord. :)


xoxo karen


  1. Oh man! I remember when I had that! hahaha, and I tried screaming too XD. No way its a spirit :D

  2. i commented on this a long time ago, but it didn't get posted ..... ANYWAYYYYY .. what i said was

    maybe grandma walrus was just sitting on you XP
    revenge for the public pajamas showcase! :P
