Monday, August 24, 2009


I'm home! Sabah is complete again. *wink* :D

I love it here. Happily laze around all day and talk to my two dogs. :P I think Brownie got skinnier. :( but but Fluffy looks healthier. :)

I don't know what I'm gonna do all week. I know I should study abit..

Sorry. No photos, (havent uploaded :P) and I don't seem to be very creative with my post.. I don't know why :P HAHA.

xoxo karen :)


  1. Nine West stuff will only torture your legs lah, poor car of yours :( That's why I don't drive HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

  2. ahaks! I like driving but unfortunately not very good at it.. :( ya and ur rite.. Nine West stuff not comfy wan, i think i'll stick to Vincci. :D HAHA!
