As of yesterday, its been officially a month since I've been in KTT. :)
It hasn't been easy, what with the frequent bouts of homesickness. But I've made it through the first month! And with no major mishaps or accidents or anything. Just the constant threat of H1N1, but anyway nobody's safe these days. :P
In fact my friend and classmate and CF-choir-mate just tested positive for influenza! Although I have no idea whether its H1N1 or not.
I'm not worried about myself cos I know for a fact that I feel fine. No fever, no fly, no cough or sore throat. But I do pity my poor mummy and daddy are probably worried sick. :S HAHA.

Cam-whoring wit our masks! (and i kasi sepet my eyes in an attempt to look more Chinese. :D)
Anyway, moving on to less emo things. :P
I am really starting to LIKE my life here! Sure, I do miss home, who doesnt?? But I have friends here, I'm having a god time and for ONCE IN MY LIFE, I CAN DO PHYSICS without wanting to kill myself. :) LOL.
Yes, life is good. :P I'm enjoying myself, and really, thats important isn't it? Why do something you hate? :P
Lets see, my top 5 favourite things about being here in KTT.
5. I can actually do physics now.
Yes! Believe it or not, I really can do it now. I used to completely DIE when it came to projectile motion questions. :S No kidding. Never understood it. Heck, never understood ANYTHING physics related. And guess what? I'm so pro at projectile motion questions now! :D Or, you know, at least, more pro than I used to be. :D LOL.
My Physics lecturer/class teacher is awesome! :) She's coherent and I can understand what she's saying. PLUS, she personally helps me with phy when i don't understand. (Mr. Chok the freak phy lecturer from back home would NEVER do anything like that. :P)
And of course, I study more here. Being around people who study all the time is definitely better for me than being around people who are always going out and stuff. It motivates me to study more, not only when there's a test the next day, but weeks in advance. :P
I am a geek! This is my FAVE phy textbook. Pic stolen from Google. :D
4. I can wear my favourite heels to class! :)
My friends in class actually look at me in awe and ask me how I manage to NOT trip and fall and kill myself. :D HAHA. To which I always respond with a smirk, EXPERIENCE. :) HAHA. Its true! I love heels and how TALL they make me feel. :) LOL.
I can never get enough pairs. :)
Shoeaholic. :)

My fave heels! On my feet! :D LOL
3. I have friends here!
I love my new friends here. Yes, they may be crazy. But they make me laugh! :) I'm talking
about Willy, Ricky, Amy... etc. Top of my head. :P HAHA. They're crazy and fun, and I'm
beginning to not miss people back home. :P HAHA.
Oh and I recently starting chatting and gossiping with my roommate Felicia. She's awesome.
Random pictures.
Fellow Sabahan and friend, Ka Yee.

Jeannette! Our darling GG supplier. :)
2. Having my own apartment. And tree. :D
Sarah happily decided to name my tree Hilary. :P (I hope he never finds out!) :P HAHA.
Its not growing much! :( But anyways, I love having my own apartment here.. Im free to
dump my stuff everywhere. :D LOL! Just kidding.
Or, you know, not. :D
(lazy to post pics of my house. :D already did in one of my old posts anyway. :D)
And nothing has changed, except the amount of mess. :D LOL.
1. Growing up. :)
Yes. Being here has taught me ALOT, has changed me ALOT, and I'm different now. :)
Its a good thing. :)
xoxo karen