Went up to Kundasang today with my mum and dad. I miss Sabahan nature and everything so I decided to take a trip up there.. its as awesome as ever. Cold and pretty. :)
While we sometimes give Sabah a hard time for being slightly backward, and kampung, and blah, blah, blah,.. we've gotta admit the nature aspect of Sabah is pretty awesome. :)

I took lots and lots of photos and cam-whored like CRAZY! :D
haha. I think cos in KTT I couldn't really cam-whore very much. :P
I really love it up there. I mean I seem like such a shopaholic and such a city girl, but truth be told, I do love nature. ONCE IN A WHILE. :P haha. And hopefully if Felicia my roommate ever decides to come to Sabah, she'll like it there. In Kundasang, I mean. :P Here are some pictures.
Proof that shopping is universal. :D Even in kampung also can shop, lol. I managed to buy a pario buckle for a FREAKING RM6!!! (In KL, in civilization, in shopping malls, its RM35, by the way. :D) WHAT A STEAL. ;D
I look crazy don't I? XD haha. A squid on my head! :D (and two more in my hands) XD
My adorable mummy and me. :D (PS, she doesnt know I posted this :D)
The pretty craft market there. :) hahaha. So rural! :P
A bit of cam-whoring. It was through this photo that I realised that my eyes are sepet and my teeth are SO NOT AWESOME. :( (I never wore braces) Thank God I ain't doing Dentistry. :D haha. Who'd wanna be treated by a dentist with fugly teeth like mine? :P LOL! and also, I look like i'm grimacing, not smiling. :P HAHA! I only posted this picture because it shows my teeth and how crooked they look. O_o LOL!
Cam-whoring knows no bounds. I'm cam-whoring under the sun! O_o Hence, the squinting eyes and the pained smile. :D ehehe. PS, my face is fat. :((
I have a lot more pictures, but unfortunately its taking WAY TOO FREAKING LONG to upload. :( So i give up and shall do it another day. :P HAHA!
xoxo karen. :)
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