Friday, June 19, 2009

Never thought i'd choose this.. :P

i am EMO. lets see.. black fingernails.. silence.. and evil thoughts in my head. :D lol. No, really.. i was positively QUIET today. :P i just didn't feel like talking. You know how sometimes you get days of extreme hyperness, when you laugh at everyting and anything? and then there are days when you just don't feel like talking to anyone and you just wanna sit in a corner quietly.. today was the latter for me. That, and I've also been extremely bitchy and evil to everyone. especially samson. LOL. samson, if you're reading this, I'M SORRY.. :( i just needed some time to cool down and get over my embarassment.

yes yes im still embarassed. :P but after i remember the pep talk the other night from Natasha, the facebook wall post, im feeling slightly better. :) lol. I'm leaving soon! In like 12 days not counting today! :P oh, and i've also found apartment-mates for when i'm in college in KL. whee! Just perfect. :) i no longer have to worry about sharing a house with total strangers. Now i have friends to share with! :) lol.

I'm totally looking forward to it. I know i picked such a long tough road for myself, choosing to do medicine, what with the many many years of constant studying, but now that i've chosen it, im so excited. I genuinely want to help people and heal sick people and all that. I've always wanted to pick a career where at the end of my working life, i'll be able to look back and realised that i've made a difference in other peoples' lives. I don't want to be stuck in a job that i hate and have to dread going to every single day.

And not to mention, i'll get to learn fascinating things.. doctors i've talked to are always saying that medical school is totally awesome.. :) such a long tiring road ahead, i'm sure, but then if God chose me to do this and made me decide to choose this for myself, then i trust that He will see me through it and i really won't have to do it all alone. :) whenever i feel even slightly doubtful of what i've chosen, i think about this fact and i feel all better, knowing that i've made the right decision.

xoxo karen

1 comment:

  1. Yo mate~ As your future housemate I'm in all ears (: in the future lah!! Go Doctor Karen :D
