Thursday, June 11, 2009

Shop shop.. :)

I bought my prom dress today! :) and its less than two weeks before prom. Its a very simple black dress, but I don't mind because really, it's not my night, its the seniors'. :) so i don't mind looking simple and understated, cos I'm gonna have fun anyway regardless of what I wear. I hope. XD kim, if you're reading this, don't kill me. I know we were supposed to shop together and all, it's just that I found the perfect dress and if I dont get it now it might disappear by next week! PLUS it was the last one left. :) haha. Oh, and i got a matching necklace to go with it. XD

It's officially been a week since I told him. I'm extremely depressed. And i can't help but wonder if he thinks about
me as often as I think about him. My guess is, probably not. :S honestly, at the moment I really thought that after telling, it would give me closure and I would be able to move on. But i think I'm wrong, its not so much that I can't move on, it seems like i don't really want to. Its hard to explain why I'm holding on to something that does nothing and gives me absolutely nothing but pain, but that's just how it is. I don't understand myself, either. And i wish I could find a way to just let go. But then... if you can't get rid of someone from your mind, maybe it's just because they're meant to be there. <3

xoxo karen.

P.S. my thoughts exactly.

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