Friday, June 5, 2009

My Friday,.

Today is officially a good day. :D why do I say so? I got to miss school today. :) but it wasnt like for a fun reason or anything.. :P had a hospital appointment, so decided to completely miss school for a whole day. i'm not complaining. Ah, and it does make me smirk when I realise my poor classmates are sitting in class listening to a Physics lecture. ;) My appointment was alright, its a routine checkup for my heart that I do year after year after year, thanks to a heart valve that doesn't function exactly right.. :P its pretty straightforward usually, i just lie there and wait for the doctor to smear disgusting jelly-like stuff that is super cold on my chest and scan it with an ECG.. i still can't exactly pronounce the word.. hmm.. Electrocadiogram. thats right. :D haha. then i just lay there and stared at the screen for awhile. lots of greyish weird moving blurry images on the screen. it reminds me of those screens that pregnant people look at when the doctor scans their babies. :D i think its probably the same thing. All these years going for the same inevitable routine checkup, I never actually find out what I am looking at on the screen. :D i figured I shouldnt ask the doctor, seeing as I probably wouldn't understand what he was saying anyways. The doctor IS really nice, but I wouldn't wanna push it, would I?.. :P

xoxo karen

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