Lets see... Oh, I finally finally went for a jamming session today! :) i've been skipping the past million practices. :P and today I finally went. It was fun, though i still can't believe I'm actually singing bits of "Almost" by Bowling For Soup. I wonder if my screaming can be heard over the sounds of the drums and guitars. :P lol. I hope i don't totally make a fool of myself on sunday night. i mean its like the whole school is gonna be there. But no pressure. :P haha.
AND then there's the Yiruma song. I LOVE IT! River flows in you is such a lovely song. :) and to be completely honest, I was horrified at first when i realised there were gonna be drums and guitars playing too. But I am pleasantly surprised, it sounds good. :) as long as the guitars aren't too loud. Thanks to Tatianna for first introducing me to it. Tat-Tat, you're awesome. :) lol. I hope you're reading this, otherwise it'd be kinda pointless, me mentioning it here. :D haha. WTH, i am so rambling. :P lol.
OH! And I saw CNH today. HE SMILED AT ME! :) what sickening happiness. I disgust myself. :D LOL.
xoxo karen

Just a random picture because people tell me to put more pics in my blog. :D
This is a pic of Tat-Tat. The pretty person who taught me the Yiruma song. :)
LoLx .. yes yes .. I do look at your blog like once awhile to see what have to updated =P .. haha .. good luck in ur performance .. =) .. Looking forward to hear how it went .. >.< .. I know you can do it .. ^^* .. cheers ..