Monday, June 15, 2009

A Little Message for you.. :P

Today has been a crappy day. :( been feeling sickly all day! Headache just won't seem to disappear.. I hope I feel better tommorow.. why couldn't i pick tommorow to be sick, that way, I could have skipped Physics tutorial. :D I HATE PHYSICS! :( especially the tutorial teacher. Ahem. :P I have nothing very interesting to say today... oh, wait! I do! :D Lets see. I think Jovi and Kim were absolutely right, if Loser sees my blog, then obviously he would know that samson is my fake boyfriend. :D haha. I should've thought of that, but I forgot. So in case Loser reads this, here's a little message for him. :)

Hey, Loser, aka LSC, so i guess even your tiny little brain managed to put two and two together and you now know that Samson is my fake boyfriend. But you obviously didn't need to send him your best wishes, because i would NEVER want to destroy samson. I like him too much. Its only disgusting ugly worms like YOU that i take pleasure in stepping on and squishing until you are nothing but a pile of slime dirtying the bottom of my shoe. And don't say I'm being mean, I know I'M NOT. I tried being nice, didn't I but you decided to be evil, so now you can see how evil I can really be. I'm not afraid of you. For some weird reason you seem to think you're perfect, but trust me, YOU'RE NOT. And i am SO GLAD i destroyed you. :) It was really fun. :)

There we go. :) but because he's so stupid, i wonder if he can even read and understand what i just typed. :D haha

xoxo karen


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA hilarious XD good one fellow sicky.

  2. and FINALLY, able to comment :)

  3. Haha .. geesh .. you dont need to have a blog of your own b4 you comment on others larh kimbo .. =P
