Friday, October 14, 2011

I KNOW I HAVENT UPDATED IN FOREVER. Been too busy freaking out and studying and well.. having fun. :) ok pictures.

Malaysian night was.. last week I think. Sorry. Bit blur. :p

Some of us JPA nerds. Markos, Mich and Nana came to see us! :) Loves.  

 Cindy and I. Her eyes are sooooo gorgeous! 

 With the guys.

And with the girls. Picture's abit blurry but I love the effect.


My own vanity, but I like this picture. :D HAHA. What? we both look pretty here. sehhh. ;p

 Oh, and I cut my hair. :D Myself. With Yuen Quan's help. teehee. I like it although not everyone does. *cough*


What else? Oh. Trinity is going on now. So its too noisy outside. So I can't study. So I'm blogging after not updating for ages. :P And... oh exam is in 3 weeks and I am SO unprepared. :(

bye bye now. ♥


  1. you look so chinese with that haircut lol

  2. Hahah, well I think you look great regardless of the haircut! XD take care ya! And good luck for your exams! =)
