Wednesday, September 30, 2009




There's no food at my house, I can hardly walk in my new heels, Grandma Girl STILL refuses deodorant, and most of all,,...... I MISS HOME.

I should be more specific. My family and my pets.

I know I shouldn't complain. I got this and SO MANY OTHERS wanted it but didn't get it. Yes, God blessed me, but I still miss home so much.

The homesickness never goes away.

It lessens. Some days I get so busy, I even forget it. BUT IT NEVER GOES AWAY. At the moments when I least expect it, something tiny and probably insignificant triggers another bout of homesickness and I feel like crying.

Simple things. Felicia getting to go home every weekend to spend time with her mum. Jeannette's mum coming over to KL next month to see her. Amy's parents coming over to KL to spend Christmas with her.


(AND i'm spending Christmas in this jungle.)

Oh, boo-hoo.

Like today I was just talking to my grandma on the phone and I started crying for no other reason than because I miss her so much.

I used to spend a lot of time with her and talk to her about stuff.. I used to listen to her nagging and telling me how I'm useless at housework.. I used to listen to her reminiscing and smiling as she talked about her younger days... Now I miss her so much.

And I'll only get to see her next year in February.

AND I was just listening to Amy telling me that her rabbit just died a few days ago.. She's still mourning and emo and lining her eyes black everyday in memory of Momoi-(thats her rabbit, totally adorable. :)) and I'm so worried that Brownie or Walnut or Fluffy or Louie or Noname will DIE! :( I would seriously be so sad and I would be emo for months, I swear.

I don't want anything to happen to my pets OR my family while I'm in KL. While I'm away from home. Its so scary.

Boo-hoo, again.

I'm going to be emo for days and days and days.

xoxo karen

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Emo emo emo.

But I shall collect all my emo-ness and talk about it in another post alrighty? :P

ARGH. I shall talk about something else now. Continuation of my whole holiday blogging. :P haha.

Malas to think of what to write la. I'll just post pictures and like caption them.

My beloved new Nichii heels. They cost me RM80 and I think its the prettiest pair I have to date, even prettier than my Nine West ones. :P (in fact I love it so much and its so high I can barely walk in it and haven't worn it out in public yet. :D) haha.

Bought this eye mask at KL Sentral. :D It matches my umbrella!!! :) HAHAHAAA. There's like gel thing in it so its cool and really relaxing. :D

A mini mini mini little Vera Wang Princess. :)) Its super tiny. :D I almost bought it then decided not to cos I hate the stall owner person. :S bwahahaha..

Really cute Golden Retriever I couldn't resist playing with at some random house. :) bwahaha.

Cam-whoring in a random shop. :D I like how shop lights make my hair look browner. :D hehe.

Cam-whoring in Nichii with Sarah. :D hahaa..

And THIS is the famous Edson. :) He is SOOO ADORABLE. :)) Although I didn't find him all that adorable when he came into the room and jumped on me at like 9 am. :P ARGH. D:

Felicia Waffle and the only boy she'll happily hug. :D HAHA.

And now, I'm bored of blogging. I shall go to sleep instead. :)

xoxo karen

Sunday, September 27, 2009


I had a manicure this holiday! :)

I did it in A Cut Above, in Mid Valley. Its like a really posh kinda salon but it only cost me RM 30. The salon was awesome. :) They even gave free tea! :D If I ever wanna get professional highlights, I shall go there. :)

Ta-Da! :)

I'm living proof that even short nails-manicure can look so sexy. :D

Sarah says my finger nails look like Smarties. :D

xoxo karen

Post-Holiday Depression :(

I'm back in KTT!! :(

Its been a good holiday. And now I KNOW for sure I'm home. The SMELL of GG. The cicaks on the wall. The fact that THERE IS NO MORE HOT WATER TO SHOWER. :((

I havent blogged for like more than a week!

But instead of one LOOOOOOONG post, i'd prefer to break it down to little little pieces. :D hahaha.

I'll start with this..


I know, it wasnt like a HUGE celebration, sorry. But I hope you enjoyed your present, *wink*.

Here is a picture of the birthday girl.

Whoever said that we mature with age, DOESN'T KNOW SARAH. :D

Here is her birthday present.

The pedicure, not the sandals.


xoxo karen

Monday, September 14, 2009

I am currently addicted to this song. :)

Its SO CUTE!!!! :)

Kim if you're reading this, PLEASE OH PLEASE watch this video *begs* :D HAHA.

I even know some of the lyrics now. :D

Its driving my roommate, Waffle, insane. :D


xoxo karen

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Just a random one

I'm blogging because I'm stuck in my room.

Because I'm scared.

I just got chased by a disgusting demented mixbreed of grasshopper and cockroach.

I SWEAR IT WAS DISGUSTING. And the worst part is its STILL lurking around somewhere. As in I didnt manage to KILL IT. :(

I'm staying in here for the rest of the night.

I wanted to blog earlier tonight but for a different reason.

I haven't heard from him in what feels like forever.

Im not saying this because I miss him, I'm just saying because it feels so foreign to me. Hello?.. From every single day texting and talking to totally no contact at all?

I can't really understand this. I feel it, I don't understand it. It doesnt even make much sense and I'm not even being very coherent right now.

Its just... We're not friends. Friends don't ignore each other. Friends don't go for weeks without speaking. Friends actually give a crap about whats going on in each others' lives.

And its funny, I once considered him such a close friend, like even a best friend. And now, he pretty much knows nothing about whats going on with me. And vice versa. Its crazy how my new friends like Felicia, whom I've only known like 2 months, feel so much closer to me than him.

I didn't want to post this. I didn't want to think about him. But lately I have been, not because I miss him but because I'm sad over the loss of our friendship. Its retarded I know, but its like so many many things remind me of him. I sometimes even mention him in my conversations. Mainly because he used to be such a part of my life. And then there are the memories, both photographic and mental. Serving as constant reminders about how it used to be. And how things have changed.

If I could I would want to just totally erase all memories of him. Its just so stupid having to remember how close we used to be and compare it to how everything is now. I remember how Kim and I once wished we could have that perfectly platonic guy friend. Well, I got my wish. Only it doesn't seem so perfect right now.

I just want to forget. Its like I'm doing the weirdest things now.. my hair, my look... even the way I act. Its like I want to change and be totally unrecognisable to him. The same way he is to me. Its like I'm somehow rebelling from everything I used to be.

Because I don't understand anything thats going on at the moment. WHY we used to be so close. WHY it suddenly stopped. And WHY its not bothering him at all.

Again, an emo post involving him. Again, a post where I sound like I'm overreacting. I just hope that by writing this it'll finally give me the closure I really need to really kick him out of my life completely.

xoxo karen

Saturday, September 12, 2009

This Post Is For Kim

Specially requested by Kim! :D A picture of my hair! (weird request right? :P) LOL.

This picture looked different on my camera! D: It looked really red there but here it doesnt!! D:

Haha satisfied now Kim? :P I cam-whored specially for you. ;)

Oh! And this is all thanks to Sarah. AWESOME. :D

xoxo karen

Grandma Girl Part 1


I'm free this morning. Totally no exam, no class, nothing to do. (I'll study later. :D) So I thought I'd blog about our latest Grandma Girl episode.

OMG. Sarah, Felicia and I decided we should tell her about her um, to put it in the nicest way possible, DISGUSTING B.O.. So.... Here's what we did.

Okay before I type in the whole convo I thought I should just say, we have installed an air freshener in our house. You know, one of those that automatically spray every 9 minutes. So you KNOW how bad the smell is.

And EVERYTIME it sprays, Grandma Girl COUGHS. Loudly. Its annoying but most of all it makes me a little bit guilty. So, to bring up the conversation of her B.O., I used the air freshener as a conversation starter!

(air freshener sprays)


(i start the convo)

K: GG, are you allergic to the air freshener?
G.G.: Uh, no, I'm just sensitive to "heavy smells".
K: Oh. And you're sensitive to perfume?
G.G.: Yeah.

(this is when Sarah comes into the convo)

S: I've been meaning to tell you this..... But I scared you get angry...... But...... You.... Sometimes.... Have.... body odour.....
G.G.: *confused face* I don't understand what you're saying..


S: (takes a deeeeep breath and try again) Welll..... You know how you go up and down the stairs right... When you're in the house,.... You.... SMELL.
G.G.: Oh. Uh. I know I sometimes have "heavy smell"... I sweat easily, even walk up and down the tangga also can sweat.. Like that lah.... *Laugh*


(i cant really remember the convo much. It was SO LONG and basically involved Sarah trying to repeat millions of times, that she SMELLS. And me? Lying on the floor laughing with a blanket pulled over my head. :D)

S: (with a deodorant roll-on in her hand) You can try use this...
G.G.: What is that?

(At this point I was just totally speechless. HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW WHAT A DEODORANT IS???)

Wait. I think that explains alot doesn't it? Anywaysss,

S: Its deodorant.
G.G.: What is that? I don't understand.
K: If you use it then we won't have to use the air freshener.
G.G.: Oh, I don't normally like to use creams and lotion because I don't like the sticky feeling it gives my skin.

(Oh, my. Which is worse, having sticky skin, or suffocating everyone around you with your "HEAVY SMELL"????!!)

S: You can just try it and if you don't like it you can just throw it away.
G.G.: I think that is not good... *giggle giggle*


(Sarah hands over the deodorant.)

(Grandma Girl opens the cover.)

G.G.: Oh! This thing ROLLS! *amazed voice*
S: Um. Yeah.
G.G.: How to use this?

(At this point Sarah looks at me for help but I was so busy laughing I didn't trust myself to speak. I mean, how the HECK do you give someone instructions on how to use DEODORANT?!)

S: You... uh.... Put it..... On your.... Underarms.
G.G.: Ohhhhhhhhh. *Again, amazed voice* But I think I don't want to use. I'm sensitive to "heavy smell". Like when Karen sprays the AirWick I also cough *smiles evilly*

Oh, please. As if Grandma Girl could EVER smile evilly. :P But WHAT THE-? If she uses deodorant then I wouldn't need to spray AirWick around the house every few seconds, now, would I?! :P

The conversation kind of just DIED there. Sarah just randomly told her that she hopes she wasn't angry. Something like that.

And after all that she STILL refuses to use the freaking deodorant. WHAT A WASTE of a new bottle of deodorant. D:


And. I'd like to add that Felicia was NO HELP at all in this whole thing. She was hiding downstairs because she didn't want to be here when we confront Grandma Girl. But thank God for Sarah who was calm enough to talk to her cos I was too busy killing myself laughing and wasn't very helpful. :D


xoxo karen

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Exams in KTT T.T

First exam in KTT today!! :S And lucky me, it was Physics. :P Physics was never my best subject. But believe it or not, since coming to KTT I've actually started to ENJOY Physics classes! In fact I like it the most compared to the other subjects. Aargh. I'm becoming a Physics geek on top of being a regular geek. :P HAHA.

People here take exams so seriously. Unlike me. My exam was at 2pm so I happily woke up at 9, jumped on to my roommate Felicia's bed and studied for a while. Until she got fed up of me hogging her bed and stealing her pillow, so she told me to go away. :D HAHA :D

I don't know how I did. Im not hoping for an A, cos here, an A is 90 marks. OMG. I'm just hoping for a B. :( Aaaargh. :P

xoxo karen

Sunday, September 6, 2009

My Blog is Prettified!

Sarah prettified my blog! :)


I never knew you were such a tech-geek. :D But I gues somebody around here has to be, or else I would be stressing in front of my laptop. D:

EHEHE. Its pretty now ain't it?? :)

Was so freaking difficult to adjust the HTML codes, blah blah blah, but for Sarah it was seriously like, NOTHING. :P haha, I swear I shall never be mean to her again.

You know, for today.


And now, I shall go food hunting. :D

xoxo karen

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The First ever post dedicated to someone.

I am posting this because I am bored.

And because my evil roommate is pestering me to update my blog. :P

Yes she's evil. She looks all sweet and innocent but you won't BELIEVE what she wanted to do today. (hint: It involves my cupboard.) She wants to topple over my cupboard. D: What the hell. :P What kind of nice, sane person attempts to do such stuff? :P Diabolical, I swear. :P HAHA.

Anyway. I dunno what exactly t0 write. I am bored. I am feeling a million things inside at the moment but have no idea how to put it in words. Aarrghh. I hate feeling like this. :P I hate feeling so distracted. :(

Ahaha. Lets talk about less emo stuff, shall we?

Back to my crazy roommate. I shall dedicate this post to her because in the first place she wants to, and I quote, "see how you kutuk me in your blog". :P HAHA! Felicia! Me? Kutuk YOU? Never. :) HAHAHAHAH.

I'm spending my Raya holidays with this crazy girl. I seem to say the word "crazy" alot when I talk about her. Right. Thats because she is. :D She is cranky as hell in the mornings but past 11.30pm like that, she gets hyper. And by hyper, I mean she prances around crazily, kicks my mattress, once tried to take photos of a sleeping Grandma Girl, and worst of all, she REFUSES TO GO TO BED. :P

Like a 5-year old. :D

I hope you're reading this, Felicia. :D

xoxo karen