Thursday, December 17, 2009


Yeah its a moment where I feel so..................... STUPID.

Why did I, even for a moment, let myself believe that......... never mind.

I suddenly realise..

Seriously I feel so dumb. And I have a sudden urge to cry.

And also, a sudden burst of anger.

ARGH I hate you. My first perception of you WAS right, although really, if I'm completely honest with myself, I didn't want it to be. I DIDN'T WANT TO BE RIGHT FOR ONCE.

I can't even put it down in words.

What, am I supposed to forget this whole thing ever happened?..

xoxo karen


  1. when a player meet a player..should be more careful next time! :P

  2. you gotta take yourself outta all this drama .. It'll eat you alive! Haha ..

  3. WHO ARE THESE WEIRD PEOPLE COMMENTING ON MY BLOG? :P haha. not you kim. i meant the other two comments. oh nvm. the first one i think i can guess who la. :P heh
